Morning Dove Salon Suites. 7511-103 Mourning dove Rd-Room 102 Raleigh, NC 27615

Morning Dove Salon Suites. 7511-103 Mourning dove Rd-Room 102 Raleigh, NC 27615 logo

Morning Dove Salon Suites. 7511-103 Mourning dove Rd-Room 102 Raleigh, NC 27615

Opening hours

7511-103 Mourning Dove Rd, Room 102
Raleigh, North Carolina 27615
Our Booking Policy❌I will be away Sunday feb2 through feb9. Please text me at 919-225-1441 if you do not see any availability before or after and I’ll get you in ❌



Mens Haircut

. Duration:30 mins·. Price:$20

Womens Haircut

. Duration:30 mins·. Price:$20

Kids Haircut

. Duration:30 mins·. Price:$20

Womens Haircut plus (shampoo)

. Duration:30 mins·. Price:$25


Hi, formerly from The Guys Place of 5 Years, I ventured into my own business called Hairs-2-u. I specialize in men’s, women’s, girls and boys haircuts, gray blending and the latest styles. Hope to see you on your next appointment! Debbie ❤️

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